On Premise

This section describes how to install CloudForet in an On-Premise environment.



Install Cloudforet

It guides you on how to install Cloudforet using Helm chart. Related information is also available at: https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts

1. Add Helm Repository

helm repo add cloudforet https://cloudforet-io.github.io/charts 
helm repo update 
helm search repo

2. Create Namespaces

kubectl create ns spaceone 
kubectl create ns spaceone-plugin

Cautions of creation namespace
If you need to use only one namespace, you do not need to create the spaceone-plugin namespace.
If changing the Cloudforet namespace, please refer to the following link. Change K8S Namespace

3. Create Role and RoleBinding

In a general situation where namespaces are not merged, supervisor distributes plugins from spaceone namespace to spaceone-plugin namespace, so roles and rolebindings are required as follows. Check the contents at the following link. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/blob/master/examples/rbac.yaml

Details of the authority are as follows. You can edit the file to specify permissions if needed.

  • Create file

    cat <<EOF> rbac.yaml
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Role
      name: supervisor-plugin-control-role
      namespace: spaceone-plugin 
    - apiGroups:
      - "*"
      - replicaSets
      - pods
      - deployments
      - services
      - endpoints
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - create
      - delete
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: supervisor-role-binding
      namespace: spaceone-plugin 
      apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: Role
      name: supervisor-plugin-control-role
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: default
      namespace: spaceone

To apply the permission, you can reflect it with the command below. If you have changed the namespace, enter the changed namespace. (Be careful with the namespace.)

kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml -n spaceone-plugin

4. Install

Proceed with the installation using the helm command below.

helm install cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone

After entering the command, you can see that pods are uploaded in the spaceone namespace as shown below.

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

NAME                                       READY   STATUS             RESTARTS      AGE
board-64f468ccd6-v8wx4                     1/1     Running            0             4m16s
config-6748dc8cf9-4rbz7                    1/1     Running            0             4m14s
console-767d787489-wmhvp                   1/1     Running            0             4m15s
console-api-846867dc59-rst4k               2/2     Running            0             4m16s
console-api-v2-rest-79f8f6fb59-7zcb2       2/2     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-5654566c95-rlpkz             1/1     Running            0             4m13s
cost-analysis-scheduler-69d77598f7-hh8qt   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (39s ago)   4m13s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-6vkfv      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-7sj5j      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-fd65m      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
cost-analysis-worker-68755f48bf-k6r99      1/1     Running            0             4m15s
dashboard-68f65776df-8s4lr                 1/1     Running            0             4m12s
file-manager-5555876d89-slqwg              1/1     Running            0             4m16s
identity-6455d6f4b7-bwgf7                  1/1     Running            0             4m14s
inventory-fc6585898-kjmwx                  1/1     Running            0             4m13s
inventory-scheduler-6dd9f6787f-k9sff       0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   4 (21s ago)   4m15s
inventory-worker-7f6d479d88-59lxs          1/1     Running            0             4m12s
mongodb-6b78c74d49-vjxsf                   1/1     Running            0             4m14s
monitoring-77d9bd8955-hv6vp                1/1     Running            0             4m15s
monitoring-rest-75cd56bc4f-wfh2m           2/2     Running            0             4m16s
monitoring-scheduler-858d876884-b67tc      0/1     Error              3 (33s ago)   4m12s
monitoring-worker-66b875cf75-9gkg9         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
notification-659c66cd4d-hxnwz              1/1     Running            0             4m13s
notification-scheduler-6c9696f96-m9vlr     1/1     Running            0             4m14s
notification-worker-77865457c9-b4dl5       1/1     Running            0             4m16s
plugin-558f9c7b9-r6zw7                     1/1     Running            0             4m13s
plugin-scheduler-695b869bc-d9zch           0/1     Error              4 (59s ago)   4m15s
plugin-worker-5f674c49df-qldw9             1/1     Running            0             4m16s
redis-566869f55-zznmt                      1/1     Running            0             4m16s
repository-8659578dfd-wsl97                1/1     Running            0             4m14s
secret-69985cfb7f-ds52j                    1/1     Running            0             4m12s
statistics-98fc4c955-9xtbp                 1/1     Running            0             4m16s
statistics-scheduler-5b6646d666-jwhdw      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   3 (27s ago)   4m13s
statistics-worker-5f9994d85d-ftpwf         1/1     Running            0             4m12s
supervisor-scheduler-74c84646f5-rw4zf      2/2     Running            0             4m16s

If some of the scheduler pods are having problems and the rest of the pods are up, you're in the right state for now. The scheduler problem requires an upgrade operation using the values.yaml file after issuing a token through the initializer.

5. Initialize the configuration

This is a task for Cloudforet's domain creation. A root domain is created and a root token is issued through the initializer.

spaceone-initializer can be found on the following cloudforet-io github site. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/spaceone-initializer

The initializer.yaml file to be used here can be found at the following link. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/blob/master/examples/initializer.yaml

You can change the domain name, domain_owner.id/password, etc. in the initializer.yaml file.

  • Create file

    cat <<EOF> filename.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/root_domain.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/create_managed_repository.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/user_domain.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/create_role.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/add_statistics_schedule.yaml
            - /root/spacectl/apply/print_api_key.yaml
                root: root
                user: spaceone
            default_language: ko
            default_timezone: Asia/Seoul
                id: admin
                password: Admin123!@# # Change your password
                id: system_api_key

After editing the file, execute the initializer with the command below.

helm install initializer cloudforet/spaceone-initializer -n spaceone -f initializer.yaml

After execution, an initializer pod is created in the specified spaceone namespace and domain creation is performed. You can check the log when the pod is in Completed state.

6. Set the Helm Values and Upgrade the chart

To customize the default installed helm chart, the values.yaml file is required.

A typical example of a values.yaml file can be found at the following link. https://github.com/cloudforet-io/charts/blob/master/examples/values/all.yaml

To solve the scheduler problem, check the pod log in Completed status as shown below to obtain an admin token.

kubectl logs initializer-5f5b7b5cdc-abcd1 -n spaceone

TASK [Print Admin API Key] *********************************************************************************************

FINISHED [ ok=23, skipped=0 ] ******************************************************************************************


Create a values.yaml file using the token value obtained from the initializer pod log. Inside the file, you can declare app settings, namespace changes, kubernetes options changes, etc.

The following describes how to configure the console domain in the values.yaml file and how to use the issued token as a global config.

    # If you don't have a service domain, you refer to the following 'No Domain & IP Access' example.
      ENDPOINT: https://console.api.example.com       # Change the endpoint
      ENDPOINT: https://console-v2.api.example.com    # Change the endpoint

    TOKEN: '{TOKEN}'                                  # Change the system token

After setting the values.yaml file as above, execute the helm upgrade operation with the command below. After the upgrade is finished, delete all app instances related to cloudforet so that all pods are restarted.

helm upgrade cloudforet cloudforet/spaceone -n spaceone -f values.yaml
kubectl delete po -n spaceone -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=cloudforet

7. Check the status of the pods

Check the status of the pod with the following command. If all pods are in Running state, the installation is complete.

kubectl get pod -n spaceone

8. Configuration Ingress

Kubernetes Ingress is a resource that manages connections between services in a cluster and external connections. Cloudforet is serviced by registering the generated certificate as a secret and adding an ingress in the order below.

Install Nginx Ingress Controller
An ingress controller is required to use ingress in an on-premise environment. Here is a link to the installation guide for Nginx Ingress Controller supported by Kubernetes.

Generate self-managed SSL

Create a private ssl certificate using the openssl command below. (If an already issued certificate exists, you can create a Secret using the issued certificate. For detailed instructions, please refer to the following link. Create secret by exist cert)

  • console

    • *.{domain}
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout console_ssl.pem -out console_ssl.csr -subj "/CN=*.{domain}/O=spaceone" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:*.{domain}"
  • api

    • *.api.{domain}
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout api_ssl.pem -out api_ssl.csr -subj "/CN=*.api.{domain}/O=spaceone" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:*.api.{domain}"

Create secret for ssl

If the certificate is ready, create a secret using the certificate file.

kubectl create secret tls console-ssl --key console_ssl.pem --cert console_ssl.csr
kubectl create secret tls api-ssl --key api_ssl.pem --cert api_ssl.csr

Create Ingress

Prepare the two ingress files below. These ingress files can be downloaded from the following link.

Each file is as follows. Change the hostname inside the file to match the domain of the certificate you created.

  • console

    cat <<EOF> console_ingress.yaml
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - "console.example.com"  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: "console.example.com"  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console 
                    number: 80
  • rest_api

    cat <<EOF> rest_api_ingress.yaml
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-api-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - "*.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: "console.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console-api
                    number: 80
    apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
    kind: Ingress
    name: console-api-v2-ingress
    namespace: spaceone
    ingressClassName: nginx
        - hosts:
            - "*.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
        secretName: spaceone-tls
        - host: "console-v2.api.example.com"  # Change the hostname
            - path: /
                pathType: Prefix
                    name: console-api-v2-rest
                    number: 80

Create the prepared ingress in the spaceone namespace with the command below.

kubectl apply -f console_ingress.yaml -n spaceone
kubectl apply -f rest_api_ingress.yaml -n spaceone

Connect to the Console

Connect to the Cloudforet Console service.

Advanced Configurations

Additional settings are required for the following special features. Below are examples and solutions for each situation.

Set Plugin CertificateThis is how to set a certificate for each plugin when using a private certificate.
Support Private Image RegistryIn an environment where communication with the outside is blocked for organization's security reasons, you can operate your own Private Image Registry. In this case, Container Image Sync operation is required, and Cloudforet suggests a method using the dregsy tool.
Change K8S NamespaceNamespace usage is limited by each environment, or you can use your own namespace name. Here is how to change Namespace in Cloudforet.
Set HTTP ProxyIn the on-premise environment with no Internet connection, proxy settings are required to communicate with the external world. Here's how to set up HTTP Proxy.
Set K8S ImagePullSecretsIf you are using Private Image Registry, you may need credentials because user authentication is set. In Kubernetes, you can use secrets to register credentials with pods. Here's how to set ImagePullSecrets.